
Top Ten Sequels I Can't Wait to Get

Top Ten Tuesday is a meme hosted by The Broke and The Bookish where we post 10 of our favorite things in each category. 

Top Ten Sequels I Can't Wait To Get

1. Firefight
Counting the days until this comes out....!!

2. The Death Cure
Not exactly a sequel, but I'm so excited to read this! 

3. Fairest
Can I just say that I am absolutely obsessed with this series..? 

4. Winter
Again. Obsessed. UGH. I. Need. This. 

5. Son
Although I didn't really enjoy The Giver on certain terms, but I really loved the world it created. 

6. Crescendo
This cover is kind of beautiful. 

7. Pandemonium
Totally cheating because I haven't read the first one but I want to so bad...

8. City of Glass
I need need need to restart this series so I can finish it this time. 

9. The Elite
The dresses are so beautiful...EEK!

10. Pretties 
An old series, but one I haven't yet finished. 

Any other suggestions? 


  1. Ahh I forgot about FAIREST! I really need that one too.

  2. The cover of Winter is so beautiful! What book does it follow?
