
Things to be Thankful For

Things to be Thankful For
It's the time of pumpkin pie, cranberry sauce, black friday shopping, and turkeys. Lots of food, lots of can get swept up in it. I just want to take a moment and share what I am thankful for as a reader, writer, and blogger. 

1. Words
They don't get enough credit. I mean, without them, I wouldn't be able to be blogging right now. None of us would be able to read books, much less record our thoughts on them. They are the building blocks that every author can combine to weave beautiful stories that inspire and change our lives. These little things have so much power. 

2. Libraries 
My special place. The atmosphere is always so calming, and being surrounded by books is always a dream. Plus they regularly have book club meetings and super great librarians! Just another outlet to build the bookish community. 

3. Blogger and Good Ol' internet
Without them, none of us would be able to share our thoughts on what connects us: books. I'm so grateful that we live in a time where the world is more connected than ever, and we can all get our thoughts out there.

4. YOU!
Our blogging community is one of the most supportive, innovative, and creative environments I've ever seen. Seriously, though. Y'all (ooh my Texan is showing itself) inspire me to continue to read and blog, and I've made some great friends as well. And thank you for taking the ti
me to read this; it means the world to me. 
So enjoy your thanksgiving guys and (and for those who don't live in america/don't celebrate) BE GRATEFUL for everything that you have. See ya later!


  1. Happy Thanksgiving to you, Kate! Honestly, where would we be without words, lol.

    1. You too Emily! True, I can't even imagine a world without words...we'd be like cavemen.
